Criminal Law

In the state of Florida, there are more than 300 different criminal charges. From battery to DUI, if you are accused or arrested for a criminal charge, then you need a legal team with experience to ensure your reputation and freedom stay intact. We will go through each detail with you so you feel assured that you understand the process and the nuances involved.

Civil Law

What is Criminal Law?

Criminal law is a branch of the law that focuses on crimes that are committed against public authority. It differs from civil law, which involves crimes people commit against each other and not necessarily the public. For instance, murder is covered under criminal law because it runs against the interest of the public even though it was a crime that was committed against a person(s). Criminal law, also known as penal law, sets an established code to be followed by citizens. It is therefore the foundation of the legal system in its entirety. It is also used by law enforcement, courts, and legal representatives as a means to function.

Some of the following offenses fall under the criminal law category:

  • Assault and Battery
  • Stalking
  • Kidnapping and False Imprisonment
  • Arson and Criminal Mischief
  • Burglary and Trespassing
  • Theft and Robbery
  • Forgery and Counterfeiting
  • Drug Offenses
  • DUI

This list is not exhaustive. Please call us regarding ALL of your criminal law needs.

From Charge to Trial

The process of a criminal charge proceeding can be terrifying, especially if it is your first charge. There are two things that we focus on throughout the entire development: (1) keeping you out of jail, and (2) saving your name from a criminal conviction. Every case is different, so in order to be successful in our goals, we dedicate our time to your case. Our experience allows us to tailor our practice to meet your needs.

Florida's War on Drugs

In Florida, the crackdown on drugs has become a significant force in politics and law enforcement. For this reason, drug offenses are vigorously prosecuted in state and federal court. The charges brought and the penalties sought by law enforcement and prosecutors will vary depending on the type of drug, the amount of the drug, how the illegal substance was used or packaged, whether the individual was armed and if the individual is charged in state or federal court. Therefore, a lot of factors are considered in drug offenses. Equally, the penalties or sentence for them can range from a rehabilitation program to probation and/or a state or federal prison sentence.

The ever-continuing “war on drugs” makes these offenses extremely difficult to navigate alone. Anyone would be better served hiring a dedicated criminal defense attorney no matter how minimal the offense may seem. The effects of a drug offense conviction can alter various parts of your life. For instance, the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles may suspend your driver's license for two years. Additionally, the Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000 allows assets to be seized or forfeited for drug offenses.

In summary, law enforcement officers can seek forfeiture of your personal property, such as your home, car, boat, money or jewelry. A conviction for a felony drug offense will also result in the loss of civil rights, such as the right to vote, own a firearm, and even hold certain public offices. With all of these factors considered going into a drug offense defense, you and your legal representation should be aware of the potential consequences that you may face.

Drug Trafficking Offenses

A drug trafficking charge is considered a serious offense. If convicted, you may face a prison sentence and astonishing fine. There are several options available when you face a drug trafficking charge. In order to receive a better outcome, you may need to rely on the help of a dedicated and knowledgeable criminal defense representative to negotiate an agreement with the State Attorney’s Office to waive or reduce the prison sentence and/or fine.

We aggressively fight charges that involve all types of controlled substances, such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, and methamphetamine. We will challenge and fight for your rights so you can hold onto your property and your livelihood.

Contact us today to get started on your defense. The sooner you call, the sooner we fight!